Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 48

From Dave Zinczenko, Men's Health

Choose food with the fewest ingredients:
if a 7 year old can't pronounce it, don't eat it.

Swap out sweetened teas and soda for no-cal drinks
and you could lose up to 40 pounds a year.

Eat protein with every meal.

Choose whole grain bread - especially rye at breakfast.

4 - 6 ounces of salmon a week will sharpen your mind:
better mental flexibility, working memory and vocabulary.

Cut portions by a quarter. Restaurants servings are 2 -5 times larger!

Sip water between every mouthful of food.

Eat a handful of fruit and vegetables every day.

Sip green tea for stronger bones and fresher breath.

Asparagus metabolizes alcohol - great for a hangover.

Brown wakame sea weed (used in miso soups)
can lower blood pressure.

Walnuts boost you good HDL cholesterol and lower you bad LDL.

15 milligrams of zinc a day motivate your immune cells.

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